VIDEO: BLOKHEADZ Animated Series
Set in the mythical, gang ridden streets of Empire City, BLOKHEADZ is the animated story of teenage rapper, Blak. With the help of his crew, "G-Pak", Blk fights off the temptations of the streets and dreams of making it big in the rap game. When he gets caught in the middle of a crime lord/media mogul with an intent on controlling the city, Blak discovers his rhymes have supernatural abilities...
BLOKHEADZ began as an independent comic/graphic novel series created by the Madtwiinz, Mark and Mike Davis. The animated version of BLOKHEADZ features Hip-Hop stars Talib Kweli and RZA, Hip-Hop ambassador Bobbito Garcia, comedian Affion Crockett (Mad TV, MTV’s Wild N’ Out), actress Lauren London and Def Poetry Jam’s Mayda Del Valle, with super-producer DJ Khalil providing the sonic backdrop. The look of the series is similar to "The Boondocks" but with more graffiti inspired/anime character designs. The first two episodes are available on missiong.com. You can peep the first episode below-
affion crockett,
bobbito garcia,
dj khalil,
talib kweli,
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