

I received this message from Minister Server at THE TEMPLE OF HIP HOP
announcing Hip Hop Appreciation Week which is an annual celebration of Hip Hop culture established by KRS One and The Temple of Hip Hop:


Wow, it’s hard to believe it’s been Ten years since KRS-ONE and the Temple of Hiphop introduced the concept of HHAW to the Hip Hop community! Forever props to the “Teacha” for being the vessel to bring forward this divine idea from the Most High! Since 1997, HHAW has grown into to a yearly, worldwide celebration that keeps growing each year. During HHAW Hiphoppas from various walks of life, of all races, religions, class and creed, in cities, towns and villages from America to Australia, celebrate a week of Hiphop Kulture by having a variety of activities and events in their communities!
The Tenth Anniversary for Hip Hop Appreciation Week is May 13-20, 2007, the theme is “HONOR”! The goal of HHAW is to de-criminalize the images of our culture that are presented to the world by the mainstream media. HHAW is the week when Hiphoppas should amplify the work they’re doing in their community through Hiphop Kulture. Hiphoppas are encouraged to Honor Hiphop Kulture by making the Tenth Anniversary of HHAW the dopest, freshest, phattest, best celebrations ever, word!
Now is the time for Hiphoppas to get serious about the future of Hiphop Kulture! We need to get past the “personality” of our Hip Hop leaders and decide who we are as a Hiphop community, what we are doing and what we desire for our children’s children forever! As a unified international Hiphop Kulture, we truly have the ability to transform the world into what we desire it to be! HHAW is a great time to learn or re-affirm your appreciation, support and work for the development, growth and preservation of the international Hiphop Kulture through various activities and events in your community!
Here’s a few of “Minister Server’s Suggestions” on what would be dope to “Honor” during the 2007 Tenth Anniversary HHAW celebration:

1. It would be dope if during HHAW, Hiphoppas had events that honor the gifts and talents that the Higher Infinite Power Healing Our People, Hiphop, has given us and share those blessings with their community!
2. It would be dope if during HHAW, Hiphoppas worldwide used this time to really honor each other as Hiphop Kulture, a unified collective community of free, creative and productive people that are changing the world!
3. It would be dope if during HHAW, Hiphoppas worldwide acknowledge that May 16th is “Hiphop Independence Day” in honor of the day that Hiphop Kulture presented the Hiphop Declaration of Peace, to the United Nations in 2001!
4. It would be dope if during HHAW, Hiphoppas decided to honor the ancestors and pioneers that laid the foundation of our culture by having events to show people how Hip Hop culture evolved into the international culture that it is now!
5. It would be dope if during HHAW, Hiphoppas decided to honor people who are doing good work in our community with a special award for their service!
6. It would be dope if during HHAW, Hiphoppas decided to honor our youth by providing creative activities that allow them to express themselves through the elements of Hiphop Kulture!
7. It would be dope if during HHAW, BET, Vh1 and other media outlets decided to show videos and programs that de-criminalize the images of Hiphop Kulture!
8. It would be dope if during HHAW, more spiritual leaders, politicians, educators, parents, business and community members participate in some of the events during HHAW!
9. It would be dope if during HHAW, people gave honor to the elements of Hiphop Kulture by having workshops, classes and presentations about the origin and history of the elements of Hiphop Kulture!

Of course there are many more “Suggestions”, however, since Nine is the number of completion, I’ll stop right there for now! Have a great HHAW and remember, we are not doing hip-hop, we are Hiphop, word!

Forever Hiphop,
Minister Server -
Temple of Hiphop,
Universal Federation for the Preservation of Hip Hop Music and Culture,
HIPHOP Ministries, Inc.

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